i'm back
a short post ! juz came back from KL..
freaking tired...lolx...
i miss my bed so much...!lol..XD
haha..gtg....off to bed now...bye~
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Piano lesson !!!
u all should watch the way the teacher teach !!
the combination of mozart and james bond songs...
damn geng !!!
i will survive..
Rachmaninov had big Hands
where is the remote control..?
Nice and funny video !!!!hahaha...XD
1 more days to go !!
off to kl tmrw..
and oso off to sleep =D
u all should watch the way the teacher teach !!
the combination of mozart and james bond songs...
damn geng !!!
i will survive..
Rachmaninov had big Hands
where is the remote control..?
Nice and funny video !!!!hahaha...XD
1 more days to go !!
off to kl tmrw..
and oso off to sleep =D
Thursday, January 22, 2009
a short update !!!
juz finished half of my drawing..
but nvm i juz post it and share with u guys..^^
ka & yc annual dinner..!!
so here's the picture..-

haha...short leh ?lolx...
chinese new year!!!3 more days to go !!
going back to my home town klang..
hope dat i'll be back to kuantan as soon as possible...XD
because it's too bored to be there for such a long time..
ANG PAU...ANG PAU..!!hahax...i'll get u !!lolx...
so HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all of u yea !!!!!=D
juz finished half of my drawing..
but nvm i juz post it and share with u guys..^^
ka & yc annual dinner..!!
so here's the picture..-
haha...short leh ?lolx...
chinese new year!!!3 more days to go !!
going back to my home town klang..
hope dat i'll be back to kuantan as soon as possible...XD
because it's too bored to be there for such a long time..
ANG PAU...ANG PAU..!!hahax...i'll get u !!lolx...
so HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all of u yea !!!!!=D
Sunday, January 18, 2009
IT'S OVER.........
the competition is over ...!!!
so i'd like to emphasize about my playing....SUCK !!!
actually they started too early dy..
i was shock when alyssa told me dat i'll be the next one...omg !!
i havent prepare yet!!din warm up oso...sigh...
luckily grace came there on time...
so i'll be the next candidate after grace....
the environment is juz like we r going for our practical exam...lol
so peaceful....!
went inside...there was a video camera which was juz right beside me..
and all of the sudden i felt twitchy...
my hand shivered!
well...warm up first...
before i played my piece i've to introduce myself..
so..when i'm trying to introduce myself...i dun y..so 'kik shui' !!!!!
''my name is kelvin hong soon chern..
and i'm... going to perform a prelude by rac...rac...rac..rachmaninoff
o..opus 23 n....no..no 5 ...'' -.-'''
ish !! so fish man !
i played badly T.T..hopless...lolx..

the competition is over ...!!!
so i'd like to emphasize about my playing....SUCK !!!
actually they started too early dy..
i was shock when alyssa told me dat i'll be the next one...omg !!
i havent prepare yet!!din warm up oso...sigh...
luckily grace came there on time...
so i'll be the next candidate after grace....
the environment is juz like we r going for our practical exam...lol
so peaceful....!
went inside...there was a video camera which was juz right beside me..
and all of the sudden i felt twitchy...
my hand shivered!
well...warm up first...
before i played my piece i've to introduce myself..
so..when i'm trying to introduce myself...i dun y..so 'kik shui' !!!!!
''my name is kelvin hong soon chern..
and i'm... going to perform a prelude by rac...rac...rac..rachmaninoff
o..opus 23 n....no..no 5 ...'' -.-'''
ish !! so fish man !
i played badly T.T..hopless...lolx..
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Category: Open Classical Piano
Name: Hong Soon Chern
Date: 12 Jan 2009 (Monday)
Reporting Time: 15:20 p.m
Performanece Time: 15:50p.m
Go0d luck to :- Angel, Alyssa, Grace, me, Tze Ping, Teng Fatt, Jee Jung, Jee Sheng & Ah Hao..(follow from the list..)
ANGEL ANG CHENG YEE !! how u knw i got send it to everyone ?
lolx..no body believe me except u..so u r a stupid cow !!!wahkakax..
besides, my job is being a kind man !!lol..
u've to believe me..!!haha..u skeleton queen cow!lol..
i knw u very geng larh..lol..
k larh..i'll show my kindness to u larh...
dun worry tmrw i'll be ur first supporter ...lolx...
haha...touch leh my messages...!!
promise me dun cry yea....XD
EVONNE LOW !! cant pass the audition
dun say u knw me arh...
pass dy dun forget me =X
lolx..EVONNE LOW den if i pass the audition i dun think
i'll treat u to eat a big bowl of sharkfin
because u duno me marh..rite ?lolx..
i knw u got...! i oso got !!
and i can transform u into a huge pig !!
supergirl ? lolx...tennis girl,muscle girl larh....lol..
everyone who r involve in dis piano competition...gud luck yea~
all the best to guys~ jia you !!!gambateh !!!
and thx for the wishes
sigh !! actually my playing is not gud enuf arh !!!!
a lot of mistake and not really can memorize my song. !!omg-.-'''
anyway thank you and best regards !!!
Category: Open Classical Piano
Name: Hong Soon Chern
Date: 12 Jan 2009 (Monday)
Reporting Time: 15:20 p.m
Performanece Time: 15:50p.m
Go0d luck to :- Angel, Alyssa, Grace, me, Tze Ping, Teng Fatt, Jee Jung, Jee Sheng & Ah Hao..(follow from the list..)
ANGEL ANG CHENG YEE !! how u knw i got send it to everyone ?
lolx..no body believe me except u..so u r a stupid cow !!!wahkakax..
besides, my job is being a kind man !!lol..
u've to believe me..!!haha..u skeleton queen cow!lol..
i knw u very geng larh..lol..
k larh..i'll show my kindness to u larh...
dun worry tmrw i'll be ur first supporter ...lolx...
haha...touch leh my messages...!!
promise me dun cry yea....XD
ANGEL ANG since when u've changed into a man?
undergo surgery ?
skeleton aqua...
undergo surgery ?
skeleton aqua...
EVONNE LOW !! cant pass the audition
dun say u knw me arh...
pass dy dun forget me =X
lolx..EVONNE LOW den if i pass the audition i dun think
i'll treat u to eat a big bowl of sharkfin
because u duno me marh..rite ?lolx..
i knw u got...! i oso got !!
and i can transform u into a huge pig !!
supergirl ? lolx...tennis girl,muscle girl larh....lol..
everyone who r involve in dis piano competition...gud luck yea~
all the best to guys~ jia you !!!gambateh !!!
and thx for the wishes
sigh !! actually my playing is not gud enuf arh !!!!
a lot of mistake and not really can memorize my song. !!omg-.-'''
anyway thank you and best regards !!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
so fast 1 year 0f crazinest passed.....!!
farewell,2008 !! bye~
2008 was indeed a memorable year...
As we m0ve 0n i pray and h0pe that our god will f0rgive 0f all my sins that i had d0ne thr0ugh0ut the year t0 anyb0dy... and pray that all my friends will have the heart to receive, appreciate and thank.
I pray that my friends will appreciate that God has spare us once again an0ther year f0r us another year to live...
We make 0ur 0wn ch0ices.. and it's 0ur ch0ices that bring t0 us 0ur future and back t0 0ur mem0ries..
and so the thing dat happened to us in the year of 2008 will be a history of our life...
so now let's welcome 2009 !!!
wad am i going to do in the year of 2009 ?
i'll make my life more colourful..
so I h0pe all my friends and family have it their 0wn way f0r the year 2oo8 and n0t regretted it..=)
2009 now i'm ready to face the challenges and difficulties...!!!
so the first challenges will be the roland piano competition..-.-''
11 days left..omg..i din even touch the piano...
and the next problem is wad am i going to do after the spm result released..
dis is the main problem...sigh...how?
well...we've to remember the happy memories of 2008 & hope to have a great 2009 !!!!
so HAPPY NEW YEAR again...XD
so fast 1 year 0f crazinest passed.....!!
farewell,2008 !! bye~
2008 was indeed a memorable year...
As we m0ve 0n i pray and h0pe that our god will f0rgive 0f all my sins that i had d0ne thr0ugh0ut the year t0 anyb0dy... and pray that all my friends will have the heart to receive, appreciate and thank.
I pray that my friends will appreciate that God has spare us once again an0ther year f0r us another year to live...
We make 0ur 0wn ch0ices.. and it's 0ur ch0ices that bring t0 us 0ur future and back t0 0ur mem0ries..
and so the thing dat happened to us in the year of 2008 will be a history of our life...
so now let's welcome 2009 !!!
wad am i going to do in the year of 2009 ?
i'll make my life more colourful..
more changes
more mature
more brave
more adventurous
more challenges
hope to get a better achievement.
a better KELVIN HONG
so it's a new start
a new life
a new chapter..
a new beginning..
more adventurous
more challenges
hope to get a better achievement.
a better KELVIN HONG
so it's a new start
a new life
a new chapter..
a new beginning..
so I h0pe all my friends and family have it their 0wn way f0r the year 2oo8 and n0t regretted it..=)
2009 now i'm ready to face the challenges and difficulties...!!!
so the first challenges will be the roland piano competition..-.-''
11 days left..omg..i din even touch the piano...
and the next problem is wad am i going to do after the spm result released..
dis is the main problem...sigh...how?
well...we've to remember the happy memories of 2008 & hope to have a great 2009 !!!!
so HAPPY NEW YEAR again...XD
tagged by wen xi =D
幸福套餐 NO。1♥
01 你的绰号 : Kelvin Hong ,kel
02 年龄 : 17
03 生日 : 9月1日1991年
04 星座 : 处 女 座
05 兴趣 : 弹 钢 琴,拉 小 提 琴,画画,etc..
06 专长 : 不 知 道
幸福套餐 NO。2♥
01 你有没有喜欢的人? :没有
02 是否在交往? :没有
03 现在幸福吗? : 没有 T.T
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事? : 想 向 我 爱 的 人 们 大 声 说 " 我 爱 你 们!”
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话? : 那我就不懂啦..
幸福套餐 NO。3♥
01 点你的人是:Vitamin C, 宝 宝,希 希
02 他是你的 : 关 丹 音 乐 学 院 认 识 的 朋 友
03 他的个性? : 可 爱, 善良,没脾气的人吧
04 认识他多久? : 嗯。。。 我 也 不 清 楚。 ^^
05 你觉得他怎样? : 好..^^
06 你想对他说什么 : 我 去 关 丹 时 希 望 见 到 你 哦!
幸福套餐 NO。4♥
01 最爱的节目 : 不 好 意 思, 我 没 有 特 别 喜 欢 的 节 目。 XD
02 最爱的音乐 : romantic~~
03 最爱的季节 : 冬天..!!
04 最爱的卡通 :不 好 意 思, 我 没 有 特 别 喜 欢 的 卡通 节 目。 X
05 最爱的人 : 家人
06 最 爱 的 动 物 : 狗
07 最爱的国家 : 日 本 和 奥州
08 最爱的天气 : cloudy ...!!!
幸福套餐 NO。5♥
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
第一个愿望: 我 想 成 为 一 个 能 干 事 的 人。
第二个奢望:所有人 都 健 健 康 康
第三个梦想: 我 想 要 跟 多 的 梦 想
02 你是很专一的人吗 : 是 !!
03 最深刻的回忆? : 忘了..哈哈
04 你是个很有信心的人吗? : 还好吧..
05 你很爱微笑吗 : 当 然 爱! 微 笑 是 我 生 活 中 的 必 备 品!
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : 当 然 不 愿 意 啦 !
07 妄想什么样的生活 : erm.. 实 实 在 在 的 生 活 吧。
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 :当 然 不 是 啦..!!
调卷到此结束‘点人者请至于被点者的留言版’ 告知被点名了。请列出于十位被点者:
lol....dis is the first time i post it with chinese word...!!!!!!!!!=)
so PROUD !!!!!lolx...
幸福套餐 NO。1♥
01 你的绰号 : Kelvin Hong ,kel
02 年龄 : 17
03 生日 : 9月1日1991年
04 星座 : 处 女 座
05 兴趣 : 弹 钢 琴,拉 小 提 琴,画画,etc..
06 专长 : 不 知 道
幸福套餐 NO。2♥
01 你有没有喜欢的人? :没有
02 是否在交往? :没有
03 现在幸福吗? : 没有 T.T
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事? : 想 向 我 爱 的 人 们 大 声 说 " 我 爱 你 们!”
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话? : 那我就不懂啦..
幸福套餐 NO。3♥
01 点你的人是:Vitamin C, 宝 宝,希 希
02 他是你的 : 关 丹 音 乐 学 院 认 识 的 朋 友
03 他的个性? : 可 爱, 善良,没脾气的人吧
04 认识他多久? : 嗯。。。 我 也 不 清 楚。 ^^
05 你觉得他怎样? : 好..^^
06 你想对他说什么 : 我 去 关 丹 时 希 望 见 到 你 哦!
幸福套餐 NO。4♥
01 最爱的节目 : 不 好 意 思, 我 没 有 特 别 喜 欢 的 节 目。 XD
02 最爱的音乐 : romantic~~
03 最爱的季节 : 冬天..!!
04 最爱的卡通 :不 好 意 思, 我 没 有 特 别 喜 欢 的 卡通 节 目。 X
05 最爱的人 : 家人
06 最 爱 的 动 物 : 狗
07 最爱的国家 : 日 本 和 奥州
08 最爱的天气 : cloudy ...!!!
幸福套餐 NO。5♥
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
第一个愿望: 我 想 成 为 一 个 能 干 事 的 人。
第二个奢望:所有人 都 健 健 康 康
第三个梦想: 我 想 要 跟 多 的 梦 想
02 你是很专一的人吗 : 是 !!
03 最深刻的回忆? : 忘了..哈哈
04 你是个很有信心的人吗? : 还好吧..
05 你很爱微笑吗 : 当 然 爱! 微 笑 是 我 生 活 中 的 必 备 品!
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : 当 然 不 愿 意 啦 !
07 妄想什么样的生活 : erm.. 实 实 在 在 的 生 活 吧。
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 :当 然 不 是 啦..!!
调卷到此结束‘点人者请至于被点者的留言版’ 告知被点名了。请列出于十位被点者:
lol....dis is the first time i post it with chinese word...!!!!!!!!!=)
so PROUD !!!!!lolx...
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