Thursday, January 21, 2010
gonna attend the camp concert diraja
have to practise everyday!!! T.T
from monday to saturday 2:30-5:30pm then 8-11pm.
some more in wisma belia...darn FAR!
2-7 feb we'll be going to Cameron highland...
pity teng fatt..he has to celebrate his 17th birthday in the BUS ! lol.. xD
I hope it will be fun. but definitely it wont be fun.
just imagine. at least 9 hours from cameron to kuantan.
and according to the schedule.
and i think we dont have much time to enjoy and visit the place.. T.T
10am only we start the journey.
31th of jan !! they all are going to kl for the roland piano competition..
i hope i can join them !!!!! ;DD
tze ping and tzyy cherng...come and join us !!!!!!!!
p/s: it's not fun without u guys.. =)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
There were these two people Siao-ians ( hope you understand this rarely used term) Rambutan and Panda Doggie. Doggie used to be the frequent winner to Rambutan
but do u knw that a single spark can start a prairie fire..?wahkakakx.xD
so, ah panda died. Reason: because the rambutan hairs are poisonous and sharp..
so in conclusion, mr rambutan WON!!
he hasnt transformed into a ninja rambutan yet..!!wahahahaha...
rambutan is a person who has conscience =)
he felt sad after he murdered the 'capalang' of doggie and panda.
pitty rambutan..he cant managed to
stop the tears from dropping..
resssst in peace doggie.ToT
they lived in sorrow ever after............

Monday, January 11, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
第一: 被点者请在自己的BLOG里写下答案
第二: 请传另外4位的人
第三: 传阅人‘请在于这十位当中斗留言版’ 告知他(她) 被点名了..
第四: 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五: 被点者‘请注明被谁点了’ 在哪接到‘在传给下十位
第六: 这些被点名者’
幸福套餐 NO。1♥
01 你的绰号 :Kelvin, Vin Vin, Lili Hong, Skeleton Cow King, Rambutan girl girl*latest.., etc
02 年龄 : 19 ( 18 and 4 months )
03 生日 : 1991 (1-9-91) easy to remember..=D
04 星座 : virgo
05 兴趣 : playing piano, arts, badminton, football,eat,sleep...etc
06 专长 :sleep..
幸福套餐 NO。2♥
01 你有没有喜欢的人 : too many..
02 是否在交往 : NO.
03 现在幸福吗 : NO.
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事 :
05 如果有一天,你爱的人跟你告白的话 :my face will automatically change to red colour..xD
幸福套餐 NO。3♥
01 点你的人是 : Jou Jin
02 他是你的 : friend
03他的个性 : Talkative.? lesbian wan..with brenda xPP
04 认识他多久 : 1 month gua..xD
05 你觉得他怎样 : i think she'll will be crazy when she's high xD
06 你想对他说什么 : glad to knw u =)
幸福套餐 NO。4♥
01 最爱的节目 : I love all of them!
02 最爱的音乐 : Romantic pieces..
03 最爱的季节 : Winter
04 最爱的卡通 : Digimon and pokemon (last time larh)
05 最爱的人 : Kelvin Hong
06 最爱的国家 : any country in europe..
07 最爱的天气 : cloudy
幸福套餐 NO。5♥
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
第一个愿望 : no exams!
第二个奢望 : make a decision that i wouldn't regret! cannot be so undecided anymore..=(
第三个梦想: give me 100 more dreams or hopes..
02 你是很专一的人吗 : yup
03最深刻的回忆 : went to sunway lagoon with ka gang !! (p/s: every moment will always keep in my mind) =)
04 你是个很有信心的人吗 : sometimes.
05你很爱微笑吗 : yea.
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : if it is towards a good life.
07 妄想什么样的生活 : live peacefully ..
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 : NOPE
-your friend
-your friend's friend
-your friend's friend's friend.